• The way series
  • Prayer power series
  • Making spiritual progress
  • Leading God's people
  • God, Money and You
Giving to God
Do you find yourself questioning why God's children often struggle in poverty, while worldly wealth thrives around them?

In Giving to God, Z.T. Fomum unveils a revolutionary perspective on prosperity and faith. This transformative sermon offers a roadmap to align your financial journey with God's principles, unlocking spiritual growth and abundant blessings along the way.

Drawing from the treasures of Scripture and the wisdom of generations, Fomum dismantles common misconceptions about money and spirituality. Through biblical insights and practical wisdom, he illuminates how embracing God's ways of handling finances leads to spiritual enrichment, healthier relationships, and eternal rewards.
7.99 € 7.99 EUR
Discipling Childre
In a world replete with distractions and worldly allure, the imperative of molding young hearts into true disciples of Christ looms large.

In this insightful book, Theodore Andoseh leads us on a journey through the combined transformative power of attraction, admiration, and imitation in shaping our children's devotion to Christ.

As ministers to children and parents, our duty is clear: to steer their admiration toward heavenly pursuits, fostering a deep and transformative bond with their Saviour. The anecdotes and accounts shared herein underscore the profound impact of nurturing a love for God in young hearts.

May this book embolden all who endeavor to cultivate true discipleship to Jesus Christ in the children under their care, equipping them to raise a generation of devout worshippers who walk closely with God from their earliest years.
9.99 € 9.99 EUR
In Treasures in Heaven
In Treasures in Heaven, Professor Fomum explores two critical themes:

the bondage of debts and
the spiritual significance of giving to God.
Delve into the profound insights drawn from Scripture and the author's personal journey, as he reveals how debts can ensnare and disqualify believers, and why tithes and offerings are an essential obligation. Discover the power of putting God to the test and witness the tangible blessings that follow.

This timely message is a beacon of hope for those who seek spiritual renewal. Allow this book to liberate you from debt and lead you to God's overflowing abundance.

May you be richly blessed as you embrace a debt-free, blessed life and experience God's abundant grace.
9.99 € 9.99 EUR
Making spiritual progress (vol. 2)
In Treasures in Heaven, Professor Fomum explores two critical themes:

the bondage of debts and
the spiritual significance of giving to God.
Delve into the profound insights drawn from Scripture and the author's personal journey, as he reveals how debts can ensnare and disqualify believers, and why tithes and offerings are an essential obligation. Discover the power of putting God to the test and witness the tangible blessings that follow.

This timely message is a beacon of hope for those who seek spiritual renewal. Allow this book to liberate you from debt and lead you to God's overflowing abundance.

May you be richly blessed as you embrace a debt-free, blessed life and experience God's abundant grace.
9.99 € 9.99 EUR